Page Web d’Anne-Laure Daniau

Home Research Papers Projects Teaching Presentations




Master 2 students lecturer:

Wildfire and climate change, UE S1ST9222, Dynamique du Climat passé, Bordeaux since 2012

Fires and Quaternary paleoenvironments, S4UE Paleoclimat 13, 2011-2013, invited (EPHE)


Invited junior lecturer

Fire regime obtained from microcharcoal preserved in deep-sea cores, Summer School, Questing- Arc-et-Senans, France, 2009.



Post-doctorate supervisor



Aritina Haliuc, University of Bordeaux



Marion Genet, University of Bordeaux


Doctorate Advisor


June 2022-March 2023

Thomas Kenji Akabane (PhD student, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil)


Doctorate supervisor



Marion Genet, PhD student, University of Bordeaux

Fire regime variability in the Mediterranean region over the past 21,000 years from the analysis of microcharcoal preserved in marine sediments


Trained students



Vincent Girard, master student 2nd year, University of Bordeaux

Pomeline Chuet, undergraduate, 3rd year, University of Bordeaux



Marion Genet, master student 2nd year, University of Bordeaux

Olga Aquino Alfonso, master student 2nd year, University of Bordeaux



Juliette Lasserre, undergraduate, 3rd year, University of Bordeaux

Three engineers (CESI school)



Maria Leunda Esnaola, PhD Student, University of Zaragoza, Spain



Camille Bréant, Master 1 University of Bordeaux. Fire activity in southern Africa during MIS 4 and 3



Hélène Dubrasquet, DUT Technicien supérieur de la mer. Protocols of marine palynology applied to paleoclimate reconstructions

Charles Schoirfer, Master 1 BSE EPHE. Reconstruction of fire history and burned vegetation based on the analysis of molecular tracers in marine sediments



Vincent Klein, associate degree (technician), University of Bordeaux, co-supervisor (3 months). Microcharcoal quantification in surface sediment samples and calibration with historical fire archives from the Iberian margin



Undergraduate students, invited lecturer, scientific method lessons, University of Bordeaux


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Template designed by K. Charlier
Updated 23 September 2022 by A-L Daniau