Page Web d’Anne-Laure Daniau

Home Research Papers Projects Teaching Presentations


National and international research projects


Hydroshifts – 2021-2025 (FCT IPMA) - Understand abrupt hydroclimate shifts in the North Atlantic mid-latitudes – PI: F. Naughton – Task 4 leader Documenting wild fire regimes in SW Iberia during TI, TV and TVII

BRAISE – 2019-2024 (ANR JCJC)

Reconstructing regional BuRnt Areas from microcharcoal preserved In marine SEdiments

PI: A.-L. Daniau



CAlibration of Microcharcoal, a Proxy of fire, preserved in marine sediments to characterise regional FIre REgime variability on continent

PI: A.-L. Daniau



BYpassing Climate and Environment changes for Pascuan islanders during the Holocene, lAst millennium

PI : B. Malaizé

Team member, in charge of the fire reconstruction


MICMAc - 2016-2017 (LEFE-INSU)

Réponse de la Mousson Indienne à la variabilité Climatique au cours du dernier Million d’Années

PI : P. Martinez

Team member, in charge of the fire reconstruction


Global Palaeofire Working Group 2 (PAGES) (

Steering group member and coordinator of the topical group “Fire Baselines by biomes”


ACER (former INQUA International Focus Group (IFG) and Natural Environment Research Council, UK)

Working Group on Abrupt Climate Changes and Environmental Responses

PIs: M.F. Sánchez Goñi (EPHE, University of Bordeaux, France)

Active team member; support on pollen, SST and charcoal database, metadata and data collection, database development and management; investigating relationships between fire activity and vegetation during the last glacial period


WarmClim – 2013-2015 (LEFE-INSU)

Understanding warm periods by integrating North Atlantic land-sea-ice palaeoclimatic records with inverse modelling

PI: M.F. Sanchez-Goñi

Team member, in charge of the fire reconstruction





FBI-HYD – 2016 (INQUA IFG) (

Fire-biome interactions and the hydrological cycle in southern Africa during the late Quaternary

PIs: S. Finkelstein (University of Toronto, Canada), A.-L. Daniau, S. Cowling (University of Toronto, Canada)


ICOBAB - 2014-2016 (PICS CNRS-INSU), Projet International de Coopération Scientifique with J. R. Marlon in Yale University (USA)

Investigating controls of orbital changes in biomass burning at the biome-level

PI: A.-L. Daniau


BIVOuAC – 2014 (Projet Recherche 2014, Département Sciences et Technologies, Université de Bordeaux)

Rôle de la biomasse végétale sur la variabilité spatio-temporelle des incendies par analyse morphologique des résidus carbonés des feux dans les sédiments

PI : A.-L. Daniau


TRACSYMBOLS – 2010-2015 (European Research Council Advanced Grant) (Tracsymbols)

Tracing the evolution of symbolically mediated behaviours within variable environments in Europe and southern Africa.

PIs: Chris Henshilwood (University of Bergen, Norway; University of Witswatersrand (South Africa); Francesco d'Errico (UMR PACEA, University of Bordeaux, France).

Team member, in charge of the fire reconstruction



Collaborating on a project (DESIRE, NERC-INSU) comparing changes in methane recorded in ice core and different sources of methane. PI: E. Wolff at the British Antarctic Survey (UK).



Collaborating on the project ACACIA (Analysis of long-term Climate Change in Australia). PI: S.P. Harrison (University of Bristol)



In the framework of the PhD thesis - Collaborating on the RESOLuTION project (EUROCORES-EuroCLIMATE, European Science Foundation). PI: B. Wolfhardt (Sweden) and M.F. Sánchez Goñi (France); and the French national program ECLIPSE-EXCURSION. PI: M.F. Sánchez Goñi


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Updated 23 September 2022 by A-L Daniau