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Surname :PierronFabien Pierron
First Name :Fabien
Status :Chercheur CNRS (Chargé de Recherche classe normale)
Thematic Teams(s) :Ecotoxicologie Aquatique
Address :UMR CNRS 5805 EPOC - OASU
Station Marine d'Arcachon
Université de Bordeaux
Place du Docteur Bertrand Peyneau
Telephone :+33 5 56 22 39 33
E-mail :fabien.pierron@u-bordeaux.fr

Expertise / Responsabilities

Guirandy N., Gagnaire B., Camilleri V., Cavalie I., Pierron F., Gonzalez P., Simon O. (2022) Multigenerational exposure to gamma radiation affects offspring differently over generations in zebrafish, Aquatic Toxicology, 244, doi: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2022.106101.

Pierron F., Lorioux S., Heroin D., Daffe G., Etcheverria B., Cachot J., Morin B., Dufour S., Gonzalez P. (2021) Transgenerational epigenetic sex determination: Environment experienced by female fish affects offspring sex ratio, Environmental Pollution, 277, doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2021.116864.

Podgorniak T., de Oliveira E., Daverat F., Pierron F. (2021) Contribution of transcriptomic and behavioral studies to the knowledge on impact of water obstacles on migratory young eels, Hydroécologie Appliquée, 21, 1-24., doi: 10.1051/hydro/2018002.

Arini A., Pierron F., Mornet S., Baudrimont M. (2020) Bioaccumulation dynamics and gene regulation in a freshwater bivalve after aqueous and dietary exposures to gold nanoparticles and ionic gold, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 17(2), 3637-3650, doi: 10.1007/s11356-018-4009-4.

Perrier F., Bertucci A., Pierron F., Feurtet-Mazel A., Simon O., Klopp C., Candaudap F., Pokrovski O., Etcheverria B., Mornet S., Baudrimont M. (2020) Transfer and transcriptomic profiling in liver and brain of european eels (Anguilla anguilla) after diet-borne exposure to gold nanoparticles, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 39(12), 2450-2461, doi: 10.1002/etc.4858.

Belpaire C., Hodson P., Pierron F., Freese M. (2019) Impact of chemical pollution on Atlantic eels: Facts, research needs, and implications for management, Current Opinion in Environmental Science and Health, 11, 26-36, doi: 10.1016/j.coesh.2019.06.008.

Bertucci A., Pierron F., Ye T., Gonzalez P., Couture P., Baudrimont M. (2019) Identification and expression of microRNAs in European eels Anguilla anguilla from two natural sites with different pollution levels, Environmental Pollution, 250, 274-283, doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2019.04.029.

Pierron F., Daffe G., Lambert P., Couture P., Baudrimont M. (2019) Retrotransposon methylation and activity in wild fish (A. anguilla): a matter of size, Environmental Pollution, 245, 494-503, doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2018.11.014.

Pierron F., Gonzalez P., Bertucci A., Binias C., Merour E., Bremont M., de Montaudouin X. (2019) Transcriptome-wide analysis of wild Asari (=Manila) clams affected by the Brown Muscle Disease: etiology and impacts of the disease, Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 86, 179-185, doi: 10.1016/j.fsi.2018.11.043.

Bertucci A., Pierron F., Gourves P.Y., Klopp C., Lagarde G., Pereto C., Dufour V., Gonzalez P., Coynel A., Budzinski H., Baudrimont M. (2018) Whole-transcriptome response to wastewater treatment plant and stormwater effluents in the Asian clam, Corbicula fluminea, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 165, 96-106, doi: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2018.08.090.

Fadhlaoui M., Pierron F., Couture P. (2018) Temperature and metal exposure affect membrane fatty acid composition and transcription of desaturases and elongases in fathead minnow muscle and brain, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 148, 632-643, doi: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2017.10.040.

Gamain P., Feurtet-Mazel A., Maury-Brachet R., Auby I., Pierron F., Belles A., Budzinski H., Daffe G., Gonzalez P. (2018) Can Pesticides, copper and seasonal water temperature explain the seagrass Zostera noltei decline in the Arcachon bay?, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 134, 66-74, doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2017.10.024.

Patey G., Couillard C., Drouineau H., Verreault G, Pierron F., Lambert P., Baudrimont M., Couture P. (2018) Early back-calculated size-at-age of Atlantic yellow eels sampled along ecological gradients in the Gironde and St. Lawrence hydrographical systems, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 75(8) , 1270-1279, doi: 10.1139/cjfas-2017-0025.

Bertucci A., Pierron F., Thebault J., Klopp C., Bellec J., Gonzalez P., Baudrimont M. (2017) Transcriptomic responses of the endangered freshwater mussel Margaritifera margaritifera to trace metal contamination in the Dronne River, France, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24(35) , 27145-27159, doi: 10.1007/s11356-017-0294-6..

Patey G., Couillard C., Pierron F., Baudrimont M., Couture P. (2017) Biotransformation, antioxidant and histopathological biomarker responses to contaminants in European and American Yellow Eels from the Gironde and St. Lawrence Estuaries, Chemosphere, 88, 292-303, doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2017.08.139.

Podgorniak T., Angelini M., De Oliveira E., Daverat F., Pierron F. (2017) Selective pressure of fishways upon morphological and muscle enzymatic traits of migrating glass eels, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 74, 445-451, doi: 10.1139/cjfas-2016-0110.

Baillon L., Pierron F., Oses J., Pannetier P., Normendeau E., Couture P., Labadie P., Budzinski H., Lambert P., Bernatchez L., Baudrimont M. (2016) Detecting the exposure to Cd and PCBs by means of a non-invasive transcriptomic approach in laboratory and wild contaminated European eels (Anguilla anguilla), Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23(6), 5431-5441, doi: 10.1007/s11356-015-5754-2.

Baillon L., Pierron F., Pannetier P., Normendeau E., Couture P., Labadie P., Budzinski H., Lambert P., Bernatchez L., Baudrimont M. (2016) Gene transcription profiling in wild and laboratory-exposed eels: Effect of captivity and in situ chronic exposure to pollution, Science of the Total Environment, 571, 92-102, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.07.131.

Caron A., Pannetier P., Rosbal M., Budzinski H., Lauzent M., Labadie P., Nasri B., Pierron F., Baudrimont M., Couture P. (2016) Organic and inorganic contamination impacts on metabolic capacities in American and European yellow eels, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 73(10), 557-1566, doi: 10.1139/cjfas-2015-0473.

Laporte M., Pavey S.A., Rougeaux C., Pierron F., Lauzent M., Budzinski H., Labadie P., Geneste E., Couture P., Baudrimont M., Bernatchez L. (2016) RAD sequencing reveals within-generation polygenic selection in response to anthropogenic organic and metal contamination in North Atlantic Eels, Molecular Ecology, 25, 219-237, doi: 10.1111/mec.13466.

Pannetier P., Caron A., Campbell P.G.C., Pierron F., Baudrimont M., Couture P. (2016) A comparison of metal concentrations in the tissues of yellow American eel (Anguilla rostrata) and European eel (Anguilla anguilla), Science of the Total Environment, 569-570, 1435-1445, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.06.232t.

Podgorniak T., Blanchet S., de Oliveira E., Daverat F., Pierron F., (2016) To boldly climb: behavioural and cognitive differences in migrating European glass eels, Royal Society Open Science, 3, doi: 10.1098/rsos.150665.

Baillon L., Oses J., Pierron F., Bureau de Colombier S., Caron A., Normandeau E., Lambert P., Couture P., Labadie P., Budzinski H., Dufour S., Bernatchez L., Baudrimont M. (2015) Gonadal transcriptome analysis of wild contaminated female European eels during artificial gonad maturation, Chemosphere, 139, 303-309, doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2015.06.007.

Baillon L., Pierron F., Coudret R., Normendeau E., Caron A., Peluhet L., Labadie P., Budzinski H., Durrieu G., Sarraco J., Elie P., Couture P., Baudrimont M., Bernatchez L. (2015) Transcriptome profile analysis reveals specific signatures of pollutants in Atlantic eels, Ecotoxicology, 24, 71-84, doi: 10.1007/s10646-014-1356-x.

Podgorniak T., Angelini A., Blanchet S., de Oliveira E., Pierron F., Daverat F. (2015) Climbing experience in glass eels: A cognitive task or a matter of physical capacities?, Physiology and Behavior, 151, 448-455, doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2015.08.001.

Pierron F., Baillon L., Sow M., Gotreau S., Gonzalez P. (2014) Effect of low-dose cadmium exposure on DNA methylation in the endangered European eel, Environmental Science and Technology, 48, 797-803, doi: 10.1021/es4048347.

Pierron F., Bureau Du Colombier S., Moffett A., Caron A., Peluhet L., Daffe G., Lambert P., Elie P., Labadie P., Budzinski H., Dufour S., Couture P., Baudrimont M. (2014) Abnormal ovarian DNA methylation programming during gonad maturation in wild contaminated fish, Environmental Science and Technology, 48, 11688-11695, doi: 10.1021/es503712c.

Bougas B., Normendeau E., Pierron F., Campbell P.G.C., Bernatchez L., Couture P. (2013) How does exposure to nickel and cadmium affect the transcriptome of yellow perch (Perca flavescens)?, Aquatic Toxicology, 142-143, 355-364.

Defo M.A., Pierron F., Spear P.A., Bernatchez L., Campbell P.G.C., Couture P. (2012) Evidence for metabolic imbalance of vitamin A2 in wild fish chronically exposed to metals, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 85, 88-95.

Lapointe D., Pierron F., Couture P. (2011) Individual and combined effects of heat stress and aqueous or dietary copper exposure in fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas), Aquatic Toxicology, 104, 80-85.

Pierron F., Normandeau E., Defo M.A., Campbell P.G.C., Bernatchez L., Couture P. (2011) Effects of chronic metal exposure on wild fish populations revealed by high-throughput cDNA sequencing, Ecotoxicology, 20(6), 1388-1399.

Renault S., Daverat F., Pierron F., Gonzalez P., Dufour S., Lanceleur L., Schafer J., Baudrimont M. (2011) The use of Eugenol and electro-narcosis as anaesthetics: Transcriptional impacts on the European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.), Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 74, 1573-1577.

Pierron F., Baudrimont M., Dufour S., Elie P., Bossy A., Lucia M., Massabuau J.C. (2009) Ovarian gene transcription and effect of cadmium pre-exposure during artificial sexual maturation of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla), BioMetals , 22, 985-994.

Pierron F., Bourret V., St-Cyr J., Campbell P.G.C., Bernatchez L., Couture P. (2009) Transcriptional responses to environmental metal exposure in wild yellow perch (Perca flavescens) collected in lakes with differing environmental metal concentrations (Cd, Cu, Ni), Ecotoxicology, 18, 620-631.

Pierron F., Baudrimont M., Dufour S., Elie P., Bossy A., Baloche S., Mesmer-Dudons N., Gonzalez P., Bourdineaud J.P., Massabuau J.C. (2008) How cadmium could compromise the completion of the European eel's reproductive migration, Environmental Science and Technology, 42 (12), 4607-4612.

Pierron F., Baudrimont M., Lucia M., Durrieu G., Massabuau J.C., Elie P. (2008) Cadmium uptake by the European eel: Trophic transfer in field and experimental investigations, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 70, 10-19..

Pierron F., Baudrimont M., Bossy A., Bourdineaud J.P., Brethes D., Elie P., Massabuau J.C. (2007) Impairment of lipid storage by cadmium in the European eel (Anguilla anguilla), Aquatic Toxicology, 81 (3), 304-311.

Pierron F., Baudrimont M., Boudou A., Massabuau J.C. (2007) Effects of salinity and hypoxia on Cd bioaccumulation processes in the shrimp Palaemon longirostris, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 26, 1010-1017.

Pierron F., Baudrimont M., Gonzalez P., Bourdineaud J.P., Elie P., Massabuau J.C. (2007) Common pattern of gene expression in response to hypoxia or cadmium in the gills of the European glass eel Anguilla anguilla, Environmental Science and Technology, 41, 3005-3011.

UMR CNRS 5805 EPOC - OASU - Université de Bordeaux
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